We offer our services through different brands, depending on the public we are targeting. From the technical side, we develop software and provide technological services related to computers, the Internet and television. As a consultancy, we offer people and companies services related to the psychology of work and organisations, extending our scope of action to the equestrian sector.
Our main product is the software to mechanize television contests TriviaCaster (formerly TV Game), also used in the animation of events and training. In addition, we have a platform with online self-diagnostics for professional use designed for psychologists and recruitment companies, a service that can be contracted by subscription.
As a company that offers Internet services, we have hosting plans adapted to the different needs of the client, we develop personal, corporate and sectoral websites using the main tools on the market, such as Joomla and WordPress, while offering eCommerce solutions based on these content managers, in addition to PrestaShop. In the field of training, we have experience in Moodle and in the creation of SCORM content.
Some of our clients and channels with contests that have used our software